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Take Action: What can you do?


Tell brands like Levi's and IKEA to #SignTheAccord to keep factories safe.

Don't specialize in wage theft: tell Specialized to pay its workers in El Salvador.

Tell NIKE to #PayYourWorkers in Cambodia.

Call out adidas for stealing from its workers.

Print stickers and flyers (A8) to leave in adidas stores. Give adidas garment workers a voice!

Email Urban Outfitters and petition Zara to #EndUghurForcedLabour.

Tweet Uniqlo who owe women workers $5.5 million.

Email adidas now!

adidas is willing to spend $800 million sponsoring the FIFA World Cup but can't pay their suppliers #10CentsMore per product to #EndWageTheft in their supply chains?

Workers globally are owed MILLIONS in unpaid wages.

Take action for adidas' workers: SEND A TWEET

Find out more about the women workers who are being robbed.

#PayYourWorkers Campaign

#PayYourWorkers & #RespectLabourRights

Sign the petition calling on brands to commit to a binding agreement on severance, wages and union rights.

Tweet Nike to pay Ramatex factory workers in Cambodia.

Creative action ideas to call on brands to pay workers what they're owed!


Help workers earn a living wage!

#LivingWageNow: Good Clothes Fair Pay.

Help us get 1 million signatures from EU citizens demanding a living wage for the people who make our clothes!

Follow Good clothes fair pay for updates.

Read the frequently asked questions!

Info: Good Clothes, Fair Pay is a campaign demanding living wage legislation across the garment, textile and footwear sector. We need 1 million signatures from EU citizens to push for laws that require buisnesses importing into the EU to pay the workers in their supply chains a living wage. Though this is an EU initative, the outcome will affect the global supply chain.

#SignTheAccord to keep factories safe!

Tell brands like Levi's and IKEA who haven't shown they care about workers' lives by signing the Accord.

Check our brand tracker to find out if your favourite brand has signed - If not, call them out on their social media!

Info: The new International Accord continues and expands on the important work of the Bangladesh Accord, making factories safe for workers. Find out more in our Q&A and take a look at our factory incidents timeline to find out why the Accord is needed beyond Bangladesh.

#EndUyghurForcedLabour Campaign

End Uyghur Forced Labour

Tell Urban Outfitters to #EndUghurForcedLabour

Take action against Zara, Apple, Nike, Hugo Boss.


  • Information is collected through Uyghur groups in the coalition and open source resources like The Xinjiang Data Project.
  • Read the research explaining how forced labour cotton permeates global garment supply chains.

#EuropeanFloorWage Campaign

Brands must pay a #EuropeFloorWage

Earning a living wage is a human right but garment workers in Europe struggle to make ends meet on their current wages.

We developed a benchmark for living wages in European countries that reflects the reality of garment production in Europe.

Visit for more information on poverty wages in the garment industry.

Send an email to Nike!

NIKE LIES! Tell Nike to #PayYourWorkers!

Send an email to Nike and Matalan, former suppliers of the now closed Ramatex factory Violet Apparel.

Every voice counts!

Info: Workers have been fighting since July 2020 for the $1.4 million unpaid compensation and damages they are entitled to under Cambodian law. Nike told the WRC that they hadn't produced clothes at Violet Apparel since 2006, but photos from inside the factory from 2019 show the workers producing Nike products.

Watch #StolenFutures

#PayUpUniqlo: How to steal your workers' future.

Tweet Uniqlo who owe women workers $5.5 million.

Read workers' open letter to the Chairman of Uniqlo and the CEO of s.Oliver.

Watch our short film to hear Uniqlo worker Murni's story.

Info: Uniqlo have not responded to calls to pay 2000 women from the Jaba Garmindo factory the $5.5 million they are owed in severance since 2015. Visit our campaign page for worker stories.

Fashion Checker

Fashion Checker: Put exploitation in the spotlight.

Look up which brands pay a living wage.

Read our Minimag: It's time to settle the score!

Watch the film: Wings Are Not For Sale

Info: Fashion Checker is a garment supply chain transparency tool developed as part of the filling the gap campaign.