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Results: 139 Items

  • May 13, 2024

    Severance Guarantee Fund Agreement: Guidance for Governments

    This guidance document explains why and how governments should support and promote the Severance Guarantee Fund (SGF) Agreement.

  • February 28, 2024

    Use of Potassium Permanganate by Brands and Its Effects on the Environment

    This February 2024 report by Clean Clothes Campaign Turkey reveals the harmful effects of potassium permanganate (PP) bleaching of jeans on worker health and the environment. The report, which covers 44 brands, focuses on the impact of PP chemical use on worker health and environmental pollution in the Ergene Basin, which is now unsuitable for agricultural purposes.

  • January 3, 2024

    The Impact of the Earthquake on Textile and Garment Workers

    Interviews with 100+ workers in this January 2024 report by CCC Turkey shows that garment factories and their buyers left workers to fend for themselves after the devastating earthquake that hit Türkiye in February 2023. As most of them were not paid in full in the aftermath of the earthquake, workers had to return to their jobs out of financial necessity without having a safe place to live and before the factories they worked in had undergone any structural safety inspections.

  • September 21, 2023

    Stitched under strain - Long term wage loss across the Cambodian garment industry

    This September 2023 report is an alarming indictment on a global industry that has been allowed to put company profit margins ahead of the rights of the workers that make their clothes. Amid soaring living costs, Cambodian garment workers are calling for an increase in their wage so they can afford everyday essentials like food, rent and education for their children. The findings of this research demonstrate the urgency of this demand. Organisations connected with the Clean Clothes Campaign network, such as ActionAid and Cambodian organisations CENTRAL, CATU and the C.CAWDU are calling on international brands to ensure Cambodian garment workers in their supply chain are earning a fair wage that keeps them out of poverty.

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Results: 52 Items

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