Donate to the Clean Clothes Campaign
We are proud to be able to play an independent role which campaigning for worker rights, and therefore will not accept financial support from any garment brand or retailer. However, we very gladly accept donations, small or large, from individuals or groups around the world. We are honoured that so many of you have given us a one-time or even recurring donation. You are making a difference!

Thank you!
Thank you for supporting our work. If you would prefer, you can also transfer a donation directly to:
NL95 TRIO 0197 7781 27
BIC/Swift number: TRIONL2U
Stichting Schone Kleren Campagne/Clean Clothes Campaign.
How your gift supports garment workers
By supporting our work you are supporting upwards of 35 million people around the world who sew our clothes while taking home some of the lowest wages in the world. The vast majority of these workers are women, in jobs with no respect for their labour rights, leading to a massive imbalance of power in the industry.
We are calling for brands and retailers to sign legally binding agreements, including the Pay Your Workers agreement which will ensure the people who make their clothes are paid their full severance in times of crisis in case their factories close, and protect workers’ right to organise and bargain collectively.
Our work
Establishing a living wage is of vital importance in the garment industry. Poverty wages can be found from Asia to Eastern Europe, with major brands admitting that 0% of their workers earn a living wage.
Union busting is rampant in garment production. We want to enforce international standards that ensure brands respect all labour rights and commit to necessary remedies when violations occur.
We hold brands and suppliers accountable for the working conditions in their supply chains. Thousands have died in factory fires and collapses, whilst other dangers, like the use of hazardous chemicals, lurk unnoticed.

Clean Clothes Campaign is recognised as a Public Benefit Organisation by the Dutch Tax Administration (ANBI). This means you can deduct your donations from your Dutch income tax or corporate income tax.
Clean Clothes Campaign has an equivalency determination certification with NGOsource, and is therefore the equivalent of a U.S. public charity under the IRS' ED standards. Our existing legal analysis and ED certificate are available to US grantmakers upon request.