Statements archive
The Big EU Deregulation
On 10 March 2025, over 350 organisations raise that a disastrous Omnibus proposal erodes EU’s corporate accountability commitments and slashes human rights and environmental protections.
153 organisations write to European Commission to not reopen corporate accountability rules
A diverse coalition of stakeholders dedicated to advancing human rights and environmental protection, wrote today to the European Commission, sharing their concerns regarding the Commission's intention to re-open current sustainability legislation aiming at enforcing corporate accountability. In the joint statement, submitted as input to the European Commission Roundtable Consultations on 'Simplification,' the authors, including the Clean Clothes Campaign, express their unwavering opposition to the re-opening of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, which risks undermining hard-fought advancements on the protection of labour and human rights and the environment from harmful corporate practice.
Omnibus proposal will create costly confusion and lower protection for people and the planet
On 8 November 2024, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced she would introduce a proposal to amend three key pillars of the European Green Deal through an Omnibus law: the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and the Taxonomy Regulation. As members of civil society, human rights and environmental defenders, trade unions and climate activists, we call on the European Commission to actively protect these EU corporate accountability laws, reaffirm the official timeline for their transposition and implementation, and be fully transparent about the Omnibus process.
Open Letter Sri Lanka AI CCC HRW
Amnesty International, Clean Clothes Campaign and Human Rights Watch express concern about the plans for changes to the labour law in Sri Lanka and the lack of transparency and process.
Joint statement: Fair Wear Foundation and Clean Clothes Campaign on future collaboration
CCC will no longer contribute to Fair Wear’s work through its governance structure, but the two organisations will continue to work closely together; Both at the central level and through the many linkages between Fair Wear teams and the CCC network in production countries. CCC network members and partners are not in any way precluded from continuing their engagement with Fair Wear.
Open letter: European Union (EU) Forced Labour Regulation Trilogue
We are writing on behalf of the 33 undersigned civil society organisations and trade unions to outline key issues that should be considered during the upcoming trilogues in order to make the proposed EU Forced Labour Regulation (FLR) a success.
Open Letter: The EU must uphold Human Rights. Defenders call for a Human Rights Centred Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.
As Global South signatories, we represent and convey the voices of those suffering the most from irresponsible business activity, including Indigenous peoples and workers at the end of global value chains. Ahead of what may be the final negotiations on CSDDD, we request that you hear our call for an irective that protects human rights and our planet first beyond “business as usual”.
General Approach on the proposed EU Forced Labour Regulation
A written letter on behalf of the undersigned civil society organisations and trade unions to urge the Council to speed up negotiations to adopt a General Approach on the proposed EU Forced Labour Regulation (FLR) in line with the core elements.
CSO recommendations for responsible disengagement suspension and termination of business relationships
When performing human rights and environmental due diligence, companies may find human and/or environmental impacts in value chains which cannot be effectively prevented or mitigated. In these cases, it is appropriate for companies to permanently or temporarily interrupt the relationship of concern with their business partners. In line with the UNGPs and OECD Guidelines, this document refers to this process as “responsible disengagement.”
Letter to COREPER Ambassadors
On 15 November, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) will be discussed to update the Council’s negotiation mandate for the next political trialogue. We would like to draw attention to five key issues aligning the legislation with international standards and ensuring real-world improvements for people and the planet.
Joint statement in support of former Violet Apparel workers
58 leading organisations in the field of labour and human rights signed a statement, published on 20 July 2023, in support of the struggle of the former Violet Apparel workers for their legally owed termination payments - calling out factory group Ramatex and its main buyer Nike.
Open letter to Heads of states and governments, Foreign Ministers, Trade Ministers, and Ministers of the Interior of the EU member states on GSP reform
Since its establishment in 1971, the EU GSP system has had the sole goal of fostering sustainable development in low- and middle-income countries, so it should remain. The Council’s current attempts to include cooperation on readmissions among the conditions for countries to retain their GSP benefits now risk jeopardising the continuation of the scheme, which expires at the end of 2023. Interinstitutional negotiations (trilogue) to improve and extend the scheme until 2034 are in fact stalled, as the European Parliament – a co-legislator on the file – is rightly rejecting the Council’s proposal.
Civil society joint reaction to the European Parliament report on an EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles
Today the European Parliament has sent an unequivocal signal, with 600 positive votes, that the textile industry needs to transform its practices towards true respect of social and environmental rights. With this report, the European Parliament has improved the Commission’s original proposal by showing that social and environmental aspects are two sides of the same coin. Moreover, the European Parliament acknowledges the global dimension of the industry, as well as its specific challenges related to social issues, the gender-dimension, and overproduction.
Joint letter GSP reform
The GSP framework aims at promoting sustainable development in non-EU countries through a system of incentives and disincentives, linked to those countries’ compliance with human rights, including labour rights, and environmental protection standards. We urge members of the Council to reconsider and abandon the proposition to condition trade preferences for GSP beneficiary countries on their migration and readmission cooperation with the European Union (EU).
Ensuring a gender-responsive Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence legislation
On the eve of Women's Day 2023, over 140 organisations sent an open letter to European policy makers this morning calling them to ensure a gender responsive Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence legislation.
EU Textile Strategy: civil society’s demands to MEPs
A wish list presented in January 2023 by seven civil society organisations in relation to the EU Textile Strategy.
Access to customs trade information Open CSO letter
Our organisations welcome the Commission’s plan to revise the Union Customs legislation and are looking forward to this legislative proposal. With this joint open letter, the undersigned organisations want to urge you to ensure that this upcoming reform will enable non-state actors, such as Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), trade unions, academics, journalists and companies to access trade information with customs that is currently considered confidential by Member States. Existing EU legislation, such as the Timber regulation and the Conflict minerals regulation, and upcoming legislation, such as the Deforestation-free products regulation, Batteries and batteries waste regulation, Forced labour regulation and Corporate sustainability due diligence directive, aim to ensure that human rights and the environment are respected in company value chains. Stakeholder involvement plays an important role in the functioning of all these legal instruments.
CCC statement in support of Sri Lanka unions fighting repression
In recent months, the Sri Lankan government increased its repression amidst an economic and political crisis, sending in the army on workers protesting peacefully. Today our partners Free Trade Zones & General Services Employees Union together with the National Labour Advisory Council Trade union Collective are holding a members rally at the Public Library in Sri Lanka’s capital, Colombo. CCC, Labour Behind The Label, Maquila Solidarity Network, Workers United and War on Want support the unions, who condemn the government’s disregard for the voice of trade unions and demand the Labour Ministry calls for an immediate meeting of the National Labour Advisory Council.
CCC statement on labour rights restrictions Ukraine
Clean Clothes Campaign has declared its solidarity with garment workers and all workers in Ukraine during the Russian invasion. We condemn the invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces, as we do any act of aggression, invasion and war. We support every serious genuine diplomatic and political initiative, institutional and grassroot, aimed at the withdrawal of Russian troops from the occupied territories and averting the escalation of the conflict which is already seriously impacting the working class and civilian populations in Europe and beyond.
Statement: Solidarity with the people of Sri Lanka
Trade unions and worker rights organizations, including the Clean Clothes Campaign, Labour behind the Label, Maquila Solidarity Network, War on Want and Workers United have written a letter expressing their solidarity with the people of Sri Lanka.
Sector specific standards needed for European Corporate Sustainability Reporting
Brussels, July 2022 – We, the undersigned organisations, welcome the European Commission’s legislation on Corporate Sustainability Reporting. We believe that this is an important step towards accountability, transparency and responsible business conduct. The garment sector has a high risk of human rights violations and negative environmental impacts. We therefore urge the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) to set up sector specific standards for the garment sector.
More than 220 civil society and trade union organisations call on EU to end corporate abuse
On 23 February 2022, the European Commission released its proposal for a directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence. This directive could represent a landmark step forward in minimising the negative impacts of businesses on workers, communities and the environment worldwide. In response, over 220 NGOs and trade unions from around the world welcome the proposal as an essential and long-awaited step toward corporate accountability, responsible business conduct and access to justice. However, the proposal contains significant flaws that risk preventing the directive from achieving the positive impact that people, planet, and climate urgently need. The undersigned human rights, labour and environmental organisations and networks call on the European Parliament and EU Member States to strengthen the text in line with what EU citizens, workers and communities affected by corporate abuses worldwide have vocally and publicly demanded. The joint statement outlines our collective views on how to improve the proposal to guarantee that the law will effectively prevent corporate harm to human rights, the environment and climate; as well as provide victims of corporate abuse with access to effective remedies.
Open letter on gender inequality and discrimination in global value chains.
82 civil society organizations ask the EU to address the persistent gender inequalities that prevent many women and girls affected by the activities of European business from leading a safe and prosperous life, the CSDDD must ensure that European companies are compelled to change their own practices and business models, cover the costs of compliance to prevent harms and face the judicial and administrative consequences of failing to do so.
Response to EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles
Civil society response to the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles released on 30 March 2022: textile strategy contains green ambitions but forgets workers from the equation.
Ramatex workers call on Nike to #Pay Your Workers
"We have the right to the protections of Nike’s labour code after losing our job without getting what we were owed. " Workers from the former Violet Apparel factory in Cambodia, owned by Singapore based Ramatex Group, call on Nike to ensure they receive the 343.174 USD they are owed in compensation in lieu of prior notice. In addition there are damages mounting up to 1.048.120 USD. Together with the workers, Clean Clothes Campaign calls on Nike, as Ramatex’ biggest buyer, saying Nike has the responsibility to make sure they are paid for their labour.
Don’t lose the thread: the need for an ambitious tangible vision to change the textile sector
In this letter of 22 February 2022, unions and NGOs call upon the European Commission for an ambitious tangible vision to change the textile sector
Letter to Von der Leyen: time for the EU to get serious about ending corporate abuse
On Wednesday, 8 December, the European Coalition for Corporate Justice and 46 other civil society and trade union organisations sent an open letter to the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen asking her to show that the EU is serious about addressing corporate abuse, following last week’s news that the sustainable corporate governance draft law has been delayed to 2022.
Open letter to EU policymakers to ensure gender-responsive legislation on human rights due diligence
Open Data Principles support letter for EU policy
We, the undersigned, strongly call for the adoption and incorporation of open data principles in the proposed Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and the supporting reporting frameworks.
Joint NGO statement in response to the GSP draft regulation
The GSP Platform and the undersigned organisations take note of the draft GSP regulation presented by the European Commission. See this statement for our comments.
Letter by Kalpona Akter to the European Commission on sustainable corporate governance legislation
Bangladeshi labour rights activist and former garment workers wrote a letter (July 2021) to European Commissioners Didier Reynders and Thierry Breton who are jointly working on a legislative proposal on Sustainable Corporate Governance about how only a law that addresses the root causes of violations and has accountability at its core will truly transform and protect people’s lives.
We call upon the European Commission to take action against unfair purchasing practices
Clean Clothes Campaign and other human and labour rights organizations are asking the European Commission to develop complementary measures against unfair purchasing practices. Such practices are wide-spread among garment brands and retailers, and they severely inhibit the ability of their suppliers to respect and fulfil the rights of their workers, communities, and the environment.
NGO letter on Sustainable Corporate Governance
NGO support for the EU Commission plans on Sustainable Corporate Governance and response to criticism.
CCC statement on the report of the rapporteurs of the EP’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs on the proposal for a directive on adequate minimum wages in the European Union
The Clean Clothes Campaign in May 2021 sent this statement welcoming the initiative of the EU Commission and the Committee for Employment and Social Affairs of the EU parliament “to ensure both that minimum wages are set at adequate and fair level and that workers have access to minimum wage protection”. The 35 Million garment workers worldwide – mostly women – are typical statutory minimum wage earners. This includes almost 1 Million garment workers in Central East-, East- and South East EU Member States. One important criterion for the sourcing decisions of fashion brands and retailers is the statutory minimum wages of potential sourcing countries. Brands and fashion retailers look for the countries with the lowest statutory minimum wages. Among them are many countries beyond the „iron wage curtain“ within Europe.
Civil society organisations call on policymakers to define meaningful supply chain reporting requirements
The undersigned expert organisations have come together to develop recommendations for standardizable supply chain data and indicators applicable across high-risk sectors, as well as providing sector-specifications for the Garment & Footwear, Food & Beverage, Extractive and Electronics industries.
Civil society statement on the adoption of European Parliament Due Diligence & Corporate Accountability Legislative Report
This report sends a strong signal to the European Commission on what key elements the European Parliament expects in the upcoming legislation. However, there is still room for the Commission to build on this report in the upcoming legislation.
Amidst Covid-19 Crisis, Untested Industry Group Assumes Safety Responsibilities for Bangladesh Garment Factories Despite Concerns
The witness signatories to the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in this brief from October 2020 express concerns about the functioning of the RMG Sustainability Council which has taken up the work of the Accord Bangladesh office on 1 June 2020.
Principal Elements of an EU mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence legislation
All around the world, businesses are responsible for human rights abuses and environmental harm, as underscored by the recent COVID-19 crisis. Businesses must not be allowed to close their eyes to the impact of their business decisions on other actors in the chain. Voluntary measures have proved to be vastly insufficient, as recognised by the recent European Commission study on due diligence requirements through the supply chain.
Joint letter to Commissioner Reynders
45 CSOs underline the need for robust EU mandatory due diligence and directors' duties legislation in a joint letter to Commissioner Reynders (June 2020).
Civil Society European Strategy for Sustainable Textiles
A non-official (or "shadow) proposal for an ambitious and integrated EU strategy, a collaborative effort of a coalition of over 60 civil society organisations
Joint civil society response to the European Commission study into supply chain due diligence
Nine civil society organisations and networks strongly welcome the findings from the European Commission’s study on due diligence requirements through the supply chain released in February 2020. Download the European Commission study on due diligence requirements through the supply chain at
International community urges Cambodian government to take action: response to the EU's partial GSP withdrawal
This statement by CCC, Dutch trade union federation CNV and FNV, Fair Wear Foundation, ETI, Modint and Inretail comments on the European Union's decision to partially and temporarily suspend preferential tariffs the Government of Cambodia enjoyed. This decision comes at the end of years of concerns raised by the international community.
Statement on the need for occupational health and safety in Cambodia after a tragic building collapse
At least 28 workers were confirmed dead as of 27 June after the collapse of a seven-storey building in Sihanoukville Province, Cambodia. In the aftermath of the deadly collapse over 100 civil society organizations and human rights defenders jointly released this statement, calling upon the Government of Cambodia and private developers to take immediate action for a long-term solution to prevent similar tragedies. The statement includes a set of recommendations.
Bangladesh Government's Safety Inspection Agencies Not Ready to Take Over Accord's Work
The government of Bangladesh is using proceedings before the Supreme Court of Bangladesh to prevent the Accord on Fire and Building Safety from operating, thereby putting workers’ safety at risk. The government’s justification for trying to end the Accord’s work depends entirely on its claim that the government is ready to assume responsibility for the 1,688 factories under the Accord’s purview, but this research published 2 April 2019 by the Accord’s NGO witness signatories – Clean Clothes Campaign, International Labor Rights Forum, Maquila Solidarity Network, and Worker Rights Consortium – shows a shocking level of unreadiness.
Pakistan Garment Unions and Labour groups Urge Brands to support a Pakistan Accord on Fire and Building Safety
[This was first published by the Pakistan Labour Education Foundation on 7 October 2018] Last month, we commemorated the sixth anniversary of the Baldia Factory fire. Since the date of the tragedy we, Pakistani unions and labor groups, together with our international allies, have been working towards fixing responsibly to all parties: brands, government, suppliers and auditing companies. Our first priority was to ensure that the victims and their families received financial compensation for their loss, as per international standards. While this objective has now been achieved, the safety crisis, however, remains. We continue to work together to ensure that no such tragedy happens again. We continue to hear incidents of workers being killed or injured in factories, demonstrating a continued lack of implementation of the safety law as well as a lack of responsibility from the brands. On the 12th and 13th of September, local union and labor groups, met to discuss next steps on how to make sure that factory buildings would become safe and agreed to the following.
Statement of the Bangladesh Accord Witness Signatories on the Imminent Expulsion of the Only Credible Factory Inspection Program in Bangladesh
Less than two months remain until the Bangladesh High Court’s decision to lift the restraining order against the Accord is set to expire, which would force the premature cessation of the Accord’s inspection program in Bangladesh. The purpose of this statement is to outline our expectations for company signatories should this occur and actions we believe can and should be immediately taken by company signatories, even at this late stage, to prevent this from happening. The only way to prevent the premature departure of the Accord’s inspection program from Bangladesh – and the dangerous consequences to worker safety as well as brands’ own finances and reputation it would bring – is for signatory brands to take immediate action. Details of the above-mentioned scenario, as well as our recommendations for how to avoid it, are outlined below.
Statement of the Bangladesh Accord Witness Signatories on the Imminent Expulsion of the Only Credible Factory Inspection Program in Bangladesh
Less than two months remain until the Bangladesh High Court’s decision to lift the restraining order against the Accord is set to expire, which would force the premature cessation of the Accord’s inspection program in Bangladesh. The purpose of this statement is to outline our expectations for company signatories should this occur and actions we believe can and should be immediately taken by company signatories, even at this late stage, to prevent this from happening. The only way to prevent the premature departure of the Accord’s inspection program from Bangladesh – and the dangerous consequences to worker safety as well as brands’ own finances and reputation it would bring – is for signatory brands to take immediate action. Details of the above-mentioned scenario, as well as our recommendations for how to avoid it, are outlined below
Joint Statement on reforming the EU customs regulations
We urge MEPs to push for the European Commission to introduce amendments to ensure that EU customs data regulations supplement efforts to create mandatory human rights due diligence regulations for companies operating in the EU. There is growing momentum and support for binding regulations in addressing transparency and due diligence in corporate supply chains, including public access to customs data. In April 2017, the Development Committee of the European Parliament’s EU Flagship Initiative on Garments recommended binding regulations on companies’ human rights due diligence responsibilities in their global supply chains.
Joint position on Sri Lanka GSP+ Status
March 2017 - Clean Clothes Campaign, IndustriALL Global Union and the International Trade Union Confederation CCC urge the European Union to adopt a roadmap with strict measures before establishing a GSP+ relation, as Sri Lanka is in breach of core labour conventions.
Answer to the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety
In November 2016 the Accord witness signatories ILRF, WRC, CCC and MSN published the Dangerous Delays report about the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety and its overstating of progress in factory repairs. After Alliance representatives responded to the report in the press, the witness signatories in December 2016 came with this answer.
Reflection on decent work in global supply chains on the agenda of the 105th session of the International Labour Conference
CCC reflects on the outcome of the Committee on Decent Work in Global Supply Chains at the International Labour Conference in June 2016.
Clean Clothes Campaign Position on the new Fairtrade Textile Standard
Fairtrade International published its new Fairtrade Textile Standard on 22 March 2016. Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) raised concerns and gave detailed input during the Standard’s development and remains critical today. In this position paper from March 2016 CCC states that in order to improve working conditions, a sector-wide approach is needed and corporate behaviour has to change, not only some selected supply chains.
Joint letter to the EU
Joint letter from March 2015 to the EU regarding the flagship initiative for the responsible management of the supply chain in the garment sector.
Key Feminist Concerns Regarding Core Labor Standards, Decent Work and Corporate Social Responsibility
This paper aims to discuss the gendered nature of different labour standards, to highlight the implications for women workers in developing countries. Part 1 deals mainly with the definitions and general discussions around these issues, while Part 2 focuses on its gender implications. The paper is mainly a study of the available literature within academia as well as relevant official documents and material from non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Written by WIDE, Belgium, 2008.
Expectations in relation to Factory Closures and Mass-Dismissals
Bulletins about factory closures from 2007, written to inform the CCCs network and to encourage debate on key issues related to our work.
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