Tell Hugo Boss: a real boss pays a living wage
You can sign the petition on SumOfUs, and tell Hugo Boss that a real boss pays a living wage. About half of Hugo Boss clothes are made in factories in Europe. A report from campaigning organisation Clean Clothes Campaign, Stitched Up, published in 2014, showed the huge gap between the actual wages of garment workers and a living wage. Most workers earn below the poverty line. Moreover workers reported union busting, intimidation, no observance of overtime regulation and sexual harassment.
„I respect the company, I respect my work, why don’t they respect me? Hugo Boss so far does not act responsibly“, says a Turkish Hugo Boss worker.
While some workers (2013) at a Turkish Hugo Boss supplier earned 326 EUR in average including overtime and bonusses, the national poverty threshold would be 401 EUR and a minimum living wage 890 EUR. Moreover, workers who joined a union were mobbed and fired; workers reported frequent shouting and intimidation; overtime regulations are not observed; women are sexually harassed.
Bettina Musiolek from Clean Clothes Campaign says: „Made in Europe“ should mean that workers escape from poverty and do not have to be afraid to join a union. But on the contrary: „Made in Europe“ creates poverty and prevents people from exercising their political freedoms. Hugo Boss can and should step up to put an end to these gross violations. A real BOSS pays a living wage.“