Living Wage (old)
Right to Reply: Tailored Wages
The Tailored Wages report, published in March 2014 was the result of a brand survey carried out by the Clean Clothes Campaign to try to get hold of the facts about who is doing what to ensure a living wage is paid to workers making our clothes. Since it’s publication in March 2014, Tailored Wages has drawn a number of responses from the retailers profiled and we felt it was important to give a space to note these positive steps in policy and strategy development.
Calculating a Living Wage
A regional calculation of a living wage is necessary in order to ensure workers receive a decent wage. The Asia Floor Wage calculates a floor level that no wage in Asia should drop below.
A wage you can live on
We believe that all garment workers should be paid a wage they can live on; because having a job should mean being able to support yourself and your family.
Living Wage versus Minimum Wage
Across Asia governments set minimum wage levels which companies are obliged to comply with. However in every garment producing country the Asia Floor Wage Alliance works in the minimum wage levels fall far below a wage a person could live on. All figures are for a monthly salary.