Let's Clean Up Fashion - The State of Pay Behind the UK High Street 2008 Update
This is the third time that Labour Behind the Label has surveyed the state of pay behind the British fashion scene, and in three years we have seen definite progress, not only in rhetoric but in the beginnings of tangible work on the ground. The establishment of a multi-stakeholder working group at the Ethical Trading Initiative is one clear milestone (although a year in, its pilot projects have still not begun). Written by Labour Behind the Label, 2008.
Let's Clean Up Fashion - The State of Pay Behind the UK High Street 2008 Update
This is the third time that Labour Behind the Label has surveyed the state of pay behind the British fashion scene, and in three years we have seen definite progress, not only in rhetoric but in the beginnings of tangible work on the ground. The establishment of a multi-stakeholder working group at the Ethical Trading Initiative is one clear milestone (although a year in, its pilot projects have still not begun). Written by Labour Behind the Label, 2008.