Amplifying worker voices in the garment and sportswear industry
Model Agreement for Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Protection and GrievancesIn light of increasing legislation on human rights due diligence, more and more companies, industry- and multistakeholder initiatives are setting up operational-level non-judicial grievance mechanisms. The model agreement, developed by the PYW union committee, provides a benchmark for a non-judicial grievance mechanism covering FOA's core labour and human rights and the right to collective bargaining. It is meant to support efforts from unions to develop Enforceable Brand Agreements and, importantly, to counter weaker efforts from brands and business-led initiatives by providing a yardstick against which to measure them.
Model Agreement for Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Protection and Grievances
In light of increasing legislation on human rights due diligence, more and more companies, industry- and multistakeholder initiatives are setting up operational-level non-judicial grievance mechanisms. The model agreement, developed by the PYW union committee, provides a benchmark for a non-judicial grievance mechanism covering FOA's core labour and human rights and the right to collective bargaining. It is meant to support efforts from unions to develop Enforceable Brand Agreements and, importantly, to counter weaker efforts from brands and business-led initiatives by providing a yardstick against which to measure them.