Right to Reply: Gucci's response to Tailored Wages
The Tailored Wages report, published in March 2014 was the result of a brand survey carried out by the Clean Clothes Campaign to try to get hold of the facts about who is doing what to ensure a living wage is paid to workers making our clothes. Since it’s publication in March 2014, Tailored Wages has drawn a number of responses from the retailers profiled and we felt it was important to give a space to note these positive steps in policy and strategy development. Here is Gucci's response.
Right to Reply: Gucci's response to Tailored Wages
The Tailored Wages report, published in March 2014 was the result of a brand survey carried out by the Clean Clothes Campaign to try to get hold of the facts about who is doing what to ensure a living wage is paid to workers making our clothes. Since it’s publication in March 2014, Tailored Wages has drawn a number of responses from the retailers profiled and we felt it was important to give a space to note these positive steps in policy and strategy development. Here is Gucci's response.