From Risk to Resilience: Trade unions, HREDD and a Just Transition
Date: Monday 10 Feb 2025, 10-11:30am CET
David Hachfeld, Public Eye
F. Irene Lanyero, Uganda Textiles Garment Leather and Allied Workers Union (UTGLAWU)
MyoMyo Aye, Solidarity Trade Union of Myanmar (STUM)
Ineke Zeldenrust, Clean Clothes Campaign International Office
About this side session
The climate and nature crisis bring human rights risks to workers in garment supply chains. Social dialogue with trade unions and well-implemented HREDD processes are crucial to mitigate these risks for workers.
Workers face direct threats from natural disasters and extreme weather events including floods and heatwaves and fires. They also face structural risks relating job losses, changing jobs, access to new jobs and deteriorating working conditions due to economic adjustments and changes in industry business models. These risks are compounded by existing violations of workers' rights including inadequate social protection, non-payment of living wages and restricted freedom of association. Unfair trading practices create and exacerbate these risks.
Trade union involvement throughout the due diligence steps, especially in risk assessment, designing and implementing measures, and tracking implementation, is crucial for both the outcomes and the process itself. Trade unions ensure that the concerns and positions of garment workers, as primary rightsholders, are meaningfully included.
Participants are invited to share their perspectives and practical experiences, and jointly explore actionable strategies to enhance resilience for a just transition in the sector.
Recommended reading
Public Eye, One-Earth Fashion: 33 Transformation Targets for a Just Fashion System within Planetary Boundaries, 2024.
Clean Clothes Campaign, Severance Guarantee Fund Agreement: Guidance for Governments, 2024.
This webinar is co-hosted by Clean Clothes Campaign and Public Eye. It is a side-session of the 2025 OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector.
This event is part of the Fashioning a Just Transition project co-funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of SKC and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.