Clean Clothes Campaign welcomes European Parliament's motion to improve garment industry

Clean Clothes Campaign welcomes the motion of the European Parliament on the so called 'EU Flagship Initiative on the garment sector'. Through this motion the Parliament takes on a leadership role in demanding mandatory due diligence in the textile sector, and mandatory transparency in the supply chain – both of which are direly needed to improve the garment industry.

We congratulate the European Parliament on the extensive work it has done on this motion in the Development, Trade, and Employment committees, and the broad view it takes on both the problems of the garment sector and the role Europe can play in improving the sector. When implemented, the mandatory due diligence and transparency foreseen in the motion will provide powerful tools for citizens in the European Union, as well as garment workers, unions and workers' rights organisations in production countries. The motion has the potential to create uniform rules and conditions for businesses in the sector to improve their social responsibility policies and practises.

Clean Clothes Campaign asks the European Commission to follow up on this clear call for improvements with appropriate legislative measures.

Read here the Open Letter to the European Commission to impose transparency in the garment supply chain.